The ActiveVoice project partners have selected topics in which they have expertise and wish to initiate or facilitate advocacy. They will work together and with members and partners they choose to support through the project in the following fields:

Focus Areas from Project Partners

  • Physical activity and Health
  • Cycling, Transportation and Active Travel
  • Sport facility management and Urban Planning
  • Education and Active schools
  • Obesity and behaviour change



To build capacity in civil society organisations to engage in active, cross-sector advocacy for the implementation of the EU Physical Activity Guidelines.

Specific Project OBJECTIVE and expected deliverables:

  1. To build the knowledge base for active advocacy for the implementation of the EU Physical Activity Guidelines by
    • Determining the actual level of progress in implementing the EU Physical Activity Guidelines in 5 selected EU countries in cooperation with the national HEPA focal points
    • Compiling good practices in the field of advocacy for physical activity among participating organisations and beyond through desk research from past projects, other alliances and relevant literature
    • Commissioning pilot reports in Poland, Bulgaria and France, establishing an evidence base for active advocacy for HEPA promotion. These pilot researches will allow international comparison and will be adaptable to different settings
  2. To build capacities in participating organisations to engage in active advocacy by
    • Developing relevant tools and resources to facilitate the advocacy work of all involved organisations
    • Conducting knowledge-sharing and training seminars/workshops
  3. To test the validity and quality of the proposed tools and capacities by
    • Establishing cross-sector HEPA advocacy alliances on national and local level
    • Delivery of advocacy interventions
  4. Widening the impact of the project by
    • Developing a webinar series on HEPA policy advocacy
    • Dissemination and exploitation of the project results