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Erasmus+ project partners raise their voice at Moving Europe conference

ISCA and the partners of four Erasmus+ Sport projects (ActiveVoice, PASS Project, FlashMOVE and Journey of Hope) gathered in Ljubljana, Slovenia, from 14-17 November for a special conference dedicated to their collective efforts to promote and advocate for physical activity over the past year. The occasion was a rare opportunity for grassroots sport organisations, researchers, sector representatives, event organisers and public authorities to debate the future implementation of the EU Health-Enhancing Physical Activity (HEPA) Guidelines and exchange perspectives on the way forward.

The one-day conference, Moving Europe – Moving People, was held at the Ljubljana Town Hall and included presentations from the project partners and special guests Florence Mondin from the EU Sport Unit and Andrea Backovic Jurican from the Slovenian National Institute of Public Health and HEPA Europe Network Steering Committee.

ISCA President, Mogens Kirkeby, opened the conference by emphasising the need to capitalise on the potential of cross-sector collaboration among those at the event.

“We cannot rely on a top-down solution [to physical inactivity],” he said. “Civil society organisations need to play a more significant role in implementing the EU HEPA Guidelines.”

Read the full story here.