Type of project: Self-assessment, evaluation, monitoring Download PDF Developed by: Alliance for a Healthy Generation https://host.healthiergeneration.org/ https://www.healthiergeneration.org/
  • Year 2013
  • Contact Info Alliance for a Healthy Generation

Synthesis of the case study

The Healthy Out-of-School Time Initiative was carried out by the Alliance for a Helahty Generation in 2013. It gives out-of-school time providers a science-based framework designed for creating environments where youth is encouraged to eat healthier and move more. The Healthy Out-of-School Time Assessment will enable you to identify the strengths and weaknesses of your site’s policies and practices for promoting HEPA; develop an Action Plan for increasing opportunities for youth to eat healthier and move more. The standards and practices included in the Healthy Out-of-School Time Assessment are based on the National Afterschool Association's Healthy Eating and Physical Activity Standards (HEPA).

Contact information

Alliance for a Healthy Generation